Lagos Govt ask Schools to initiate health policy for regular screening of students to reduce risk of emergencies

The Lagos State Government has urged Schools across the metropolis to put in place proper health policy that will ensure regular medical screening of students and teachers to reduce the risk of sudden emergencies.

It said such health policy will also assist the schools to keep medical records of students and teachers alike for necessary teeatment when the need arises in case of crisis.

Mr Remi Abdul of the Lagos state Ministy of Education, Quality Assurance unit gave this charge during the one day Health Seminar held at Grandmates School Halls in collaboration with Ago Medical Centre for schools in Isolo LCDA.

He said parents of students who runs into crisis will want to hold the school responsible for negligence when their ill health are not made official.

Before students are allowed to engage in Sporting activities, Mr Abdul said schools should conduct test and not for any reason force them to participate when they decline to do so.

He said further and i quote “During the Inter House Sports, schools should ensure that there is a standby Ambulance on ground. It is very common now that students are facced with high Blood Pressure and Hypertension just like adults”. End of quote.

Mr Abdul advised the schools to also conduct medical screening on those engaged in selling foods and other consumables to students in schools.

He exxplained that this is necessary because students with unknown medical challenges will perform poorly during examinations.

For the Quality Assurance expert, Schools must have facilities to address emergencies including Sick Bay, First Aid Box, partnership with Government approved Clinic and Health policy in place.

Earlier, the Medical Director of Ago Medical Centre, Dr Kola Afolabi attributed the high cases of Diphtheria in the northern parts of the country to low level of immunizations.

He stressed the need for government and other major stakeholders to embark on massive education of parents and their wards on the benefits of immunizations to their well being and quality life.

Dr Afolabi disclosed that some Local Governments in Lagos have also confirmed cases of the disease he believes could be treated through regular immunizations and maintenance of quality hygiene.

Students among the sixty schools from both private and public in Isolo LCDA that participated in the program described it as timely and informative.

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