The First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria has joined others at a thanksgiving service in Wannune, Tarka Local Government area of Benue State in celebration of the 70th birthday of the secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator George Akume.

The First Lady noted that Senator Akumes appointment as the Secretary to the Government of the Federation is a testament to his leadership qualities, vast experience, and contributions to the development of Nigeria.

“As we honour you on your 70th birthday anniversary, we also honour the legacy of leadership, service, and commitment to the ideals of democracy in Nigeria”.

Senator Oluremi Tinubu said as the Minority Leader, the SGF’s insightful contributions enriched legislative discourse and elevated the standards of governance.

In his remarks, the Governor of Benue state Rev Father Hyacinth Aliah pointed out that the fatherly role Senator Akume plays in the well being of the state and ensuring stability are remarkable.

He assured that the state under his watch will continue to be safe and prosperous.

In his exhortation at the thanksgiving service held at the St Christopher Catholic Church, Wannune, the Archbisop, Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja, His grace, Most Rev. Dr Ignatious Kaigama admonished everyone to imbibe the act of forgiveness and true brotherliness.

He said the nation and Benue State in particular can only flourish where there is true love among the people.
“Let everyone turn their Swords to plowing sheers”

The event had in attendance, serving senators, deputy speaker of the house of representatives and other members, state governors, former governors, wives of governors and many other dignitaries.

Busola Kukoyi
Sa Media to the First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
27th December, 2023

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