Democracy Under Siege In Rivers State By Hon Segun Olulade Eleniyan

Governor Siminalayi Fubara’s decision to demolish the Rivers State House of Assembly, an arm of government displays a complete disregard for the principles of separation of powers.

The legislative branch should be allowed to function independently, without interference from the executive. By demolishing the Assembly, Governor Fubara has infringed upon the constitutional rights of lawmakers and the citizens they represent.

The demolition is a clear example of politics taken to the extreme. Governor Fubara’s decision to resort to such drastic measures highlights his inability to handle dissenting voices or political opposition. Instead of engaging in dialogue and finding common ground, he has chosen to silence his critics through forceful means.

The demolition of the Assembly is not only an affront to democracy but also a waste of taxpayer funds. The Assembly complex was constructed using public money, and its destruction represents a squandering of resources. It is unacceptable that the very citizens who contributed to the construction of the Assembly are now witnessing its demolition at the hands of their elected governor.

As if that’s not enough, Governor Fubara’s decision to present the 2024 budget at the alternative meeting venue, while the Assembly was being demolished, is a clear violation of the constitution. This act undermines the authority of the legislative branch and further emphasizes the governor’s disregard for democratic principles.

It is imperative that all stakeholders, including other state house of assemblies in Nigeria, rise up and condemn this act of demolition. The federal government and the National Assembly must take cognizance of this breach of democratic norms and hold Governor Fubara accountable. The judiciary should also raise their voices, as this incident sets a dangerous precedent that may lead to the erosion of democratic institutions.

Our democracy must be defended at all costs. It is the responsibility of every democratic element to condemn Governor Fubara’s actions and demand the restoration of the Rivers State House of Assembly. Failure to do so risks allowing governors to take unilateral and destructive actions against our democratic institutions.

Governor Siminalayi Fubara’s decision to demolish the Rivers State House of Assembly is a grave violation of democratic principles. It showcases his inability to handle political opposition and a disregard for the constitutional rights of citizens. We must stand united in condemning this act and demand accountability from Governor Fubara. Let us defend democracy and ensure that such actions are never repeated in our beloved nation.

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