DSS arrests relative of media owner for defaming former Lagos governor Fashola

…Twitter users asks him to surrender to the security agency

The Department of State Services (DSS) has reportedly arrested a relative of the owner of an online media platform – Reportera for defaming former Lagos Governor, Babatunde Raji Fashola.

Iru Efi, the media platform owner made this known on his Twitter handle @IruefiNG on Saturday, August 12, 2023.

According to him, his brother, Chike Victor Ibezim was arrested by men of the DSS two days ago following a “defamaton” & “cyber-stalking” petition written against his media company @ReporteraNews by Babatunde Fashola.

A post claimed last week that Foshola was drafting a favourable judgment to be handed over to judges of Presidential Election Petition Tribunal, PEPT.

However, the former Minister of Works and Housing petitioned the Inspector-General of Police over what he described as defamatory social media posts.

He described the allegation as “baseless and defamatory”, saying those responsible for the posts were “agents of destabilisation”.

In the petition addressed to the IGP, written by his counsel, Olanrewaju Akinsola, Fashola said the allegation was peddled by Ude, Yoruba Sheikh, and Reportera.NG, using the microblogging platform, Twitter.

But in the latest development, the owner of Reportera.NG claimed the DSS acting on Fashola’s petition arrested his brother when they were unable to arrest him.

He said; “I’d like to inform Nigerians that my brother Chike Victor Ibezim was abducted by men of the DSS 2 days ago following a “defamation” & “cyber-stalking” petition written against my media company
@ReporteraNews by Babatunde Fashola based on the News report, we published (Attached).

“For the first 24 hours, we didn’t know his whereabouts, we were aware he was taken by law enforcement because they came in search of me but met my absence but we didn’t know which and where he was taken to, not until yesterday evening.

“I have neither been given any invitation based on this petiole and neither have I formally been invited to report for any case, thus wonder why they’d swoop on me and attack a member of my family in my stead, for sometime he knows absolutely nothing about.

“While this is not the time to talk about the article for which reason Reportera was petitioned, I’d like to categorically make it clear that we didn’t make a false allegation against the former minister, we only reported what was already in the media and even called it a rumour.

“I call on all well-meaning Nigerians who know that the Rule of Law must be upheld in a 21st century democracy to join voices with me and my family to call for the immediate release of my brother followed with a proper & procedural investigation into this case to ascertain guilt.

“Again, let me reiterate that I haven’t received an invitation from the DSS and even when their men came in contact with my family, they didn’t give any reasons for their visit or drop any details regarding his abduction neither was any instruction received to report anywhere.

“Hence I don’t even know what my next move should be. On this note, I’d like to tell Nigerians that I am worried about my safety. I have a very young family who depend on me and I cannot afford to be illegally kept away from them for even a second.

“This country keeps giving us reasons not to believe in it as the day goes by but we will never stop because we have no other country apart from this. Please join voices with me to ensure that myself, my brother, family and business gets justice.

“We have begun taking the necessary legal steps to see to this effect,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, some fellow Twitter users while reacting to his tweets, asked Iru Efi to appear at the DSS office with documents showing that the former Minister, actually perpetrated what’s being alleged. This they said would ensure the release of hiw relatives.

Bashir Ahmad, Social media aide to ex-president Muhammadu Buhari, with the handle @BashirAhmaad tweets, “Fash is not like many of us. He always gives back as he receives. If you really care for you brother, go and meet him at the custody.

@O_ssai, “You are next……. you will smell your yansh. Sebi you are looking for Social Media attention….. this is your time to shine.

@IU_Wakilii, “If I were you I will go to the DSS office with evidence and video recording of BRF writing the judgements and later sure BRF and DSS.

@GoziconC,”Don’t come on Social Media to rant. Go to DSS office and show them the evidence that Fashola wrote the PEPT judgment.

Twitter is not a court room.

@Princekunle, “I hope you will soon be arrested as well, all of you bunches of despicable, myopic charlatans, IPOB headless mobs with Nzogbu Nzogbu politics peddling fake news since your messiah lost an election.
Nemesis must catch up with y’all & I’m happy Fashola is taking the steps.

@lollylarry1, “The best you can do is to go to the DSS with the evidence showing Fashola was writing PEPT judgment. I’m sure they’ll release your brother, and they’ll have no reason to detain you if the evidence is genuine.

@ihe69, “Trouble dey sleep, you iyanga go dey draw him tale.

You are dealing with a SAN, 2 terms former Governor, a two terms Minister of FR, VVIP.

Make sure you have your facts right.

The crowd will cheer you, but na only you go waka enter prison.

Since you reposted what have been in circulation, you are a lead to the real source.

Many of you who helped in retweeting that rumor, get ready because the sheriff will visit your doors very soon.

Cyberstalking is a very serious crime.

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