NBC holds stakeholders forum in Lagos gives Sept 9 deadline to stations to pay up License fees

The National Broadcasting Commission has said that Broadcast stations in the country yet to pay up their License fees have up till September 9th to do so or face sanctions from the body.

The Broadcast regulator said such stations would be reported to the appropriate quarters aside having their licenses revoked.

The Director General of the National Broadcasting Commission, Mr Balarabe Shehu Lela stated this at a stakeholders forum organised by the body in Lagos.

He said the NBC is coming with human face but lamented over the non payments of 2.5% annual dues from the Broadcast stations to the body.

According to him, over 500 applications for new license are on the line wondering why those who have been allocated Lincense were only warehousing it.

The NBC DG explained that for the past twenty years, the License fee has remained the same saying the body strive to survive since it received no subvention from government.

He however insists that the National Broadcasting Commission is not out to which hunt any of the operator but working towards raising the bar and sanitising the industry.

Mr Lela informed the gathering of the plans by the NBC to establish National Broadcasting Institute in Abuja aimed at training the young ones and dealing with the quacks in the industry.

Responding, some of the station managers appealed to the NBC to allow a spread in the payment of any outstanding due to the body.

They also advised the NBC to look inward in generating revenue aside depending on the Broadcast stations due to the economic reality in the country.

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