Newborn Baby Rescued from Bush in Imota by NASFAT Members and Security Agents

In a dramatic and heart-wrenching discovery, a newborn baby was found abandoned inside a bush beside the Imota branch of the Nasru-Lahi-Fatihu Society of Nigeria (NASFAT).

The infant, still attached to its placenta, was in dire condition, with the placenta already attracting maggots.

Ayodeji Abdur Rauf, President of NASFAT, described the scene with deep emotion, “The placenta had already begun to attract maggots by the time we found him.”

Acting swiftly, NASFAT members and local security agents collaborated to rescue the baby. The infant was rushed to the general hospital for immediate medical attention. 

The traditional ruler of the town, the Ranodu of Imota, was promptly informed of the situation. He provided both financial and moral support for the baby’s care, a gesture that was deeply appreciated by the community.

“Alhamdulillah,” said Ayodeji, expressing gratitude for the successful rescue and the support received from the Ranodu and the community.

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