Nationwide Protests Loom Over Erratic Power Supply and Economic Crisis as Some Nigerians Blame Tinubu

By Raheem Ibrahim

Nigerians from different parts of the country are planning to stage nationwide protest over erratic supply of energy by Power Holdings Company (PHCN) being experience since last year.

Our correspondent who went round some states gathered that some people have been attacking the PHCN officials over the erratic supply and exhobitant bills given to them.

In Lagos Island, it was gathered that residents at Lutter area get regular power supply but received over 300percent increase in the last two months bills.

Authoritative source revealed, “though, we received regular power supply because our transformer is attached to big companies at Tinubu area. Last month after President Tinubu announced increment on some section of customers, a room and parlour self contained that used to pay between N30,000 and 35,000 now received between N95,000 and N150,000”.

“We protest to them through our CDA and were advised to pay our usual amount. But on the third day, the officials came with ladders to disconnect people who doesn’t pay up to 75 percent of the amount charged. Our women who are available drove them away”, he revealed.

He added, “as a result of this, we padlocked the gate to our transformer. When they could not gain access to enter and switched off our light, they sent one man who secretly jumped the fence but caught him, dealth with him like a thief and he was forced to restore the light before we release him”.

“We are waiting for other people to agree with the planned protest and join. Federal government do not feel concern about our plight and late Chief Awolowo has predicted that it’s we that will fight for ourselves”, he remarked.

Similarly, people at Oyingbo area of Lagos mainland were not left out in the complain. So also at Surulere, Ojota, some parts of Ikorodu and Epe areas.

Chief Adeoti at Ifo community in Ogun State told our correspondent, “we all condemned President Buhari in totality but didn’t know the the Tinubu one will be worst. No food, no good roads and no light. Many of our children have turned to Yahoo boys and girls because of bad motivated economy policies. If there’s any small crisis or protest, I pray it will not turn to bloody because you will see that security men who will be use to handle it will also join the protesters.

Many nigerians who spoke to our correspondent lamented that majority of citizens voted for President Bola Tinubu because of his pledged to resolve the energy problem within 8months if elected and sworn in.

“The expectation was too much by us but we are now strongly disappointed that the situation moved from bad in President Buhari regime to worst in Tinubu government”, they claimed.

Alhaji Saka at Pakata area, Ilorin told our correspondent “the worst aspect of it is that the PHCN officials still come to remove our wire from pole and take it away under the claim the we don’t pay for the light we don’t see”.

“Go to every parts of Kwara State, the anger is there and don’t be surprised when you see people publicly protesting with ‘ENDNEPA’ slogan. This is not limited to Kwara State alone but other parts of the country”, he revealed.

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