Cultism Threat: Lagos Printer Flee Abroad To Escape Death For Refusal To Join Group At Ikorodu

By Raheem Ibrahim

A Lagos based printer has fled the country to seek refuge in Canada over the incessant threat by a cult group to eliminate him for his refusal to join them.

Authoritative source revealed that the threat to assasinate him by the cultists ensued as a result of his refusal to integrate into their group and also carry out an assigned role of assassinating a young man perceived to be member of a rival group.

The printer, identified as Babalola Wasiu Olanrewaju, aged 21 years, a devoted Muslim, a school certificate holder was said to have strongly believed that the only option available to him was to flee the country in order to avoid being assasinated by the notorious cult boys.

According to the source, Olanrewaju who resided with his parents in Ikorodu area of Lagos had since been living with fear when he had an encounter with one Mr. Ajala Yusuf, who stylishly lured him to join the cult group through a rewarding printing job.

The source, who quoted Olanrewaju to have confided in him about his experience in the hands of the dreaded cultists stated thus, “The bitter experience started sometimes in 2022 around October when I was still learning Printing and Art design, on that faithful day a guy saw me when I was going to deliver some job to a customer for her son birthday celebration, after I had delivered the job one Mr. Ajala Yusuf called me to ask whether am the one who did the printing job why I answered him affirmatively he told me he has a work for me on that day we agreed on price and he made advance payment of 50, 000.00 for the work.

“I was so happy because am planning my graduation and I knew I have made extra cash for myself.When I got to the office I kept it within myself and am to deliver the job by December 3rd for a friend birthday according to hm.

“When I brought the job for delivery he paid his balance and gave extra cash because I did not disappointed him and he invited me to the party while I promised him that I will surely come without my parent knowledge. On that 3rd of December I told my mum that my boss asked me to come to his place for some assistance that I may not return on that day. When I got to the party all I saw on that day were young boys and girls all on the same black cloths and I met some old school mate because am a bisexual in nature I get along with them in that party.

“When I entered the hall the leader of the gang asked who I am and my invitee spoke in a language that is strange to me that was when he apologized to me that he forgot to tell me that there is a dress code for the party and he wished I stay. I said no problem he immediately brought a black jean and a t-shirt that had been customized with their logo inside a bag in his hand. I have no choice since am with them already and is already late, and all I knew was a cup of wine was given to me only to find myself in a dark room not knowing that I have been initiated into their family.”

Olanrewaju was quoted to have also said that he was disturbed at several occasions with calls to attend meetings and warned that he will be killed if his parents were informed.

” For a start, it was so wonderful and I was happy because they send me money and gave me printing jobs whenever they have birthday ceremony. At first I thought I had made it not until late 2023, sometime I will be at work the members will called and asked me to meet them and I have no option than to go to wherever they are going because they are threating to kill me if I inform my parents about all that am going on. Whenever they are out for their illegal act, either fighting other groups using cutlasses bottles and charms from different places, I will have to go along with them without the knowledge of my both parents until I graduated on the 7th of January 2023.

“On one faithful day I was in the house thinking about how to get out of the ugly situation, when my dad came in and he said we are proceeding on a journey I was so happy because I find peace whenever am out of the country reason being that I have been given an assignment to attack one Mr. Akinwale in Campus Square Lagos Island which I had refused. So in view of that series of threat massages which I have deleted after reading those massages because of my parents specifically my dad.”

He was quoted to have added that ” On the 5th of December 2023, unknown to me that the guys have been after me coming to our house almost every day, when we returned from the journey, I was shocked when my younger brother told me that some group of boys came looking for me and I quickly called him into the closet and asked whether he has told my mum about those who came looking for me and he said no.I told him they are my friends that he shouldn’t tell my mum and dad about it. From the moment my brother told me about the boys, I began to look for a way to get myself out of the country, and that made me remained indoor complaining of bad weather.

” Surprisingly I received a call from one of the boys who said I cannot hide from them, how they got my number is what I cannot explain. When their calls became constant with a threat that if I refuse to carry out the assignment I will pay dearly with my life then the thought of going into hiding came up.

” On the 24th day of December 2023 when I was coming from an errand, while I disguise for the group not to recognize me, I was shocked when my phone rang with a massage that we are behind you but will know you are coming from Lagos disguised in a cloth, thinking you are smart this will be the last chance for you to carry out your assignment or consider yourself dead.”

“That was when I made up my mind that there is need for me to look for where I can get a protection for my life because what they are asking me to do is against my is wish, from that moment I knew that Nigeria wasn’t a safe place for me anymore. I couldn’t report to the police because they claimed to be highly connected.”

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