The Lagos State Taskforce has issued a final warning to night club owners across the state, particularly those in Ikeja, against the indiscriminate parking of vehicles on road setbacks and other unapproved spaces. This stern warning comes amidst growing concerns over the obstruction of pedestrian walkways and traffic gridlock caused by the haphazard parking practices of club goers.

Chairman of the Taskforce, CSP Shola Jejeloye, reiterated the state government’s stance on enforcing regulations governing parking spaces, especially in residential areas like Ikeja GRA. He expressed dismay over the flagrant disregard for established guidelines, emphasizing the need for night club owners to prioritize the convenience and safety of all Lagosians.

“We have reached a critical point where decisive action must be taken to curb this unacceptable practices,” Jejeloye stated “Night club owners must adhere to the provisions set forth by the Lagos State Parking Permit Authority and ensure that their customers park in designated areas. Failure to comply will result in immediate enforcement measures.”

In a meeting held some months ago with some representatives of club ownersl, it was affirmed by the management of club owners that their commitment to operating within the confines of the law is unwavering. They assured the Taskforce of their willingness to tow the lines of best practices and also relay the stance of the State Government to other stakeholders in the industry and about parking management.

“From the look of things, these warnings fell on deaf ears as indiscriminate parking and lawlessness has returned to adjoining streets thereby inconveniencing innocent residents. Strict enforcement commences immmediately and i assure you that there will be no sacred cows during the course of the enforcement exercise” Jejeloye stated.

The Taskforce emphasized that this warning marks the culmination of a series of engagements aimed at fostering compliance among night club owners. Moving forward, the agency will not hesitate to impound vehicles parked illegally and prosecute offenders in accordance with the law.

Furthermore, the Taskforce highlighted the detrimental impact of indiscriminate parking on the accessibility of key roadways such as Shobo Arobiodu, Isaac John, and Oduduwa Crescent. Measures will be taken to address not only parking violations but also other infractions such as theft and harassment in the vicinity.

Night club owners and patrons are urged to cooperate with the Taskforce in ensuring a safe and orderly environment for all residents of Lagos State. Failure to comply with parking regulations will result in swift and decisive action. The time for dialogue has passed. He concluded.


Gbadeyan Abdulraheem
Director, Press & Public Affairs
Lagos State Taskforce

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