National Consultative Front, NCFront of the Big Tent of Change Champions in Nigeria considers a recent statement issued by the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) through its National Publicity Secretary, Felix Morka Esq as an admission of the failure of deceits packaged as Renewed Hope Agenda being touted as the cure for the disastrous eight years APC led regime of Muhammadu Buhari, who just yesterday tendered a belated and useless apologies for running the country aground during a book launch to launder his battered image.

It is indeed amusing that Felix Morka’s poorly thought-out escapade ended as an utter mockery and a gratuitous indictment of the leadership of the APC that should be offering apologies to Nigerians for its deceptions and lack of capacity to fashion and deploy cohesive and clearly defined pro people’s policies to drive good governance but has sadly pushed Nigeria into the precipice of a failed state.

National Consultative Front (NCFront) is not unmindful of the fact that the leadership of the APC is understandably unashamed that its Bola Ahmed Tinubu regime, within few months of assuming office, has proven to Nigerians and the global community that corruption has been entrenched beyond redemption in Nigeria under the watch of the APC.

However, we are not so astounded that the leadership of the APC is unremorseful about the expose of corruption in the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management amongst other Federal Government institutions.

For the avoidance of doubts, the stench of the mind boggling thefts from the Social Investment and Poverty Alleviation Agency is a clear indication that strategic political appointees of the Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda as well as Ministers including Key Aides of President Tinubu are already on a drunken overdrive in the cesspool of corruption to which APC have reduced every stratum of governance and public spaces in Nigeria.

In the desperation to divert attention from its monumental failure in governance and in the management of the economy, the APC through Felix Morka sought to drag major opposition political parties into needless conversation as a smokescreen for the calamitous outing in the last 7 months of the Tinubu’s administration.

Contrary to Felix Morka’s gambit, it is now very obvious to Nigerians that the APC is undoubtedly ruffled by the ongoing merger talks among opposition parties towards building a formidable ideological mega party for popular and good governance of Nigeria and as alternative platform to the flip flop and recklessness of the APC ahead of 2027 elections. Latching on what it feared as a formidable counterpoise to its corruption-riddled Renewed Hope Agenda, the APC through Felix Morka has resorted to crying wolf rather than offer unreserved apologies to Nigerians for being a serial vuvuzela of renewed hopelessness and directionless Regimes.

The National Consultative Front, NCFront of the Big Tent of Change Champions in Nigeria decries the unashamed manner with which the APC seeks to further hoodwink Nigerians, albeit futilely, by diverting attention from its failure to provide competent and accountable leadership after 8 years of failed government and with a renewed mandate secured through grand electoral heist during the February 25, 2023 Presidential polls.

Nigerians deserve explanation and apologies from the APC for turning the country to a terrorized field, where insurgents, kidnappers and all forms of criminal elements operate ceaselessly in spite of the huge budgetary allocations to the security sectors by APC government. The APC should be ashamed that the federal capital territory, Abuja of all places has now been turned to den of kidnappers, who abduct citizens at will and demand ransom with impunity. We wonder what would happen in other parts of the country in the months to come if the APC led government cannot secure the seat of power. We wonder if what occupying the seat of power in Abuja has been reduced to is only to preside over monumental corruption, when residents cannot sleep in their homes with both eye closed.

It is imperative to reiterate that the APC is entitled to its headache over the proposed merger plan of Leaders of key opposition parties. For the avoidance of doubts, the APC should be assured that rather than sponsor known hatchet jobbers led by one Abayomi Arabambi, an expelled dissident of the Labour Party to discredit the Merger plans of the opposition, the leadership of Key opposition parties can not be deterred in exercising their rights to chart a new cause for the political freedom and good governance of Nigeria under a new formidable platform at the right time. Nigerians who are genuinely desirous of freedom, security and prosperity would certainly not wish to be further dictated to or goaded by APC goons.

National Consultative Front (NCFront) hereby demands genuine probe into the corruption in the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management. We decry, as callous and reprehensible, the outright stealing of poverty alleviation fund for which loans were secured and being serviced to the discomfort of millions of Nigerians from whom the Tinubu administration has been demanding sacrifices amidst harrowing hardship occasioned by widening scale of multidimensional poverty.

We are however not unaware that the expose at the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management is just a tip of the iceberg of official corruption in Nigeria, especially with the latest revelation of a memo from the Chief of Staff to the President, Femi Gbajabiamila sent to Minister for Humanitarian Affairs, Beta Edu, requesting the her to release ₦3 billion for the verification of social register, whatever that means

This is a confirmation that the APC is enmeshed in a web of corruption, which urgently requires a holistic investigation and prosecution to save Nigeria but which sounds like a political suicide to them; considering that the perpetrators cut across entrenched interests and notably individuals in the Buhari government as well as the current Tinubu administration.

Nonetheless, we demand accountability from Tinubu-led APC government as we earnestly call for through investigation to unearth the those culpable in the grand sleaze in the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Disaster Management as well its departments and agencies.

Mallam Hamisu San Turaki
Acting Spokesperson
National Consultative Front (NCFront)

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