DSS vs NCoS: Barr Ubani commends Yakubu Maikyau SAN

I appreciate the promptness of our President Mr Yakubu Maikyau SAN in reacting to the show of shame that happened at the Federal High Court, Lagos by the officers of DSS yesterday.

It is obvious that our judiciary and its powers are being undermined by such lawless and senseless display of power by the officers of DSS at the court premises. The legal profession cannot afford to be silent when everything about it is being threatened or destroyed by lawless government officials. It is dangerous!

The truth is that the order of the court was explicit on who should take custody of the Defendant, in this case Mr Emefiele, former Governor of Central Bank of Nigeria. It is appaling that DSS that had him for over a month was eager to take him back into custody despite the express order of the court. What more offence/s are they desiring to investigate which they did not complete for over one month they had him in their custody? Were they not the ones that came up with the miserable charge of illegal possesion of firearms after his long detention? It is now they want to investigate the alleged funding of terrorism? We joke too much in this country!

Who actually should be blamed in the circumstance, DSS or Correctional Centre?

If we take into account that before yesterday there had been several court orders that directed the release or arraignment of Mr Emefiele which were observed in breach by DSS, we cannot but lay appropriate blame on the doorstep of the culprit, which is DSS. No prevarications gentlemen!

The attitude and exercise of power by DSS under this new dispensation needs to be interrogated. Their penchant and impunity in disobeying court orders needs the bold condemnation of the Nigerian Bar Association to nip their contempt for rule of law in the bud. We do not need to patronise them at all as they are hell bent in destroying the rule of law and by extension our had won democracy.

I believe that President Tinubu’s government owe Nigerians the onerous responsibility to tow the line of rule of law and obedience to court orders under his government.

If he choses to go the way of other regimes in Nigeria, let him be rest assured that patriotic minded Nigerians will resist him and his planned autocratic regime. The cutizens have suffered enough and are ready to take their destinies in their hands this time around. A word is enough.

Barr Monday Ubani.

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