Being text of a press conference by June 12 Coalition of Democratic Formations holding today Monday June 12, 2023 in Lagos.

Comrades, friends, members of the fourth estate of the realm, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to this August gathering of the 30th anniversary of the treasonably annulled June 12, 1993 presidential election by the Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida military junta.


The June 12 Coalition of Democratic Formations is delighted on this memorable commemoration and celebration with Nigerians and all lovers of democracy worldwide on the 30th anniversary of the treasonably annulled June 12, 1993 presidential election won by His Excellency late President Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola (GCFR) of blessed memory.

We recall with nostalgia and fond memories of how Nigerians in their millions trooped out on June 12, 1993 to elect President MKO Abiola of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) with a pan Nigeria mandate that cut across ethnic and religious cleavages and just as we were at precincts of celebration of the imminent freedom from the yoke of military despotism of the ruling junta with the announcement of the presidential election results from the states at the national collation center Abuja, self-styled military President Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida did the unthinkable, unimaginable, illegal and unconstitutional on June 23, 1993, when via an unsigned statement, he annulled what was then described as the freest and fairest elections in Nigeria’s political history.

That annulment marked the end of the Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida military junta stay in power as he was forced out of office by popular revolt which lingered on even after late General Sani Abacha took over the reins of power from the illegal and unconstitutional Interim Government of late Chief Ernest Shonekan foisted on Nigeria by fleeing General Babangida when he was stepping aside on 26th August 1993, till the military finally exited political power on May 29, 1999.

Sadly, the custodian of the June 12, 1993 presidential mandate, His Excellency late President Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola (GCFR), his wife Alhaja Kudirat Olayinka Abiola and other martyrs paid the supreme price in the quest to reclaim the people’s mandate. The struggle to revalidate June 12, 1993 presidential mandate culminated to unmitigated trauma and agony not only to the combatants in the frontline of the battle, but also by Nigerians from various spectrums of socio-economic cum political levels. We are yet to figure out how much the nation lost in terms of human and material resources in the aftermath of the evil act of June 12 annulment and the concomitant struggle to de-annul it. But suffice to say that the casualty figures in human terms were frightening, every segment of the polity had its own sad tales encapsulated in bestiality.

The blood tasty authoritarian regime of late General Sani Abacha stopped at nothing to ensure that June 12 mandate was permanently confined to the dustbin of history against the increasing local and international pressure. We recall it was a frightful scenario at the height of General Abacha campaign to annihilate the counter forces of June 12 annulment. Media houses which did not align with the position of General Abacha’s government were shut down, staffs clamped into detention, killed or abducted and whereabout unknown, members of pro-democratic organizations such as NADECO, CD, CLO, UAD, etc. were persecuted, a good number of them were hounded into prisons and detention centers while others fled into exile. Professional organizations and labour unions were not spared of Abacha’s fang as NLC, NUPENG, PENASSAN, etc. were proscribed and their leadership clamped into detention. Bombings and sporadic assassinations created a cloud of uncertainty, trepidation and fear in polity. These were indeed, few of the sacrifices by Nigerians and painful scenario upon which the fourth democratic dispensation was birthed in 1999.

As we mark the 30th anniversary of the June 12, 1993 Nigerian people’s mandate, June 12 Coalition of Democratic Formations wants to use this medium to wholeheartedly commend and congratulate Nigerians for entrusting a pan Nigeria mandate on His Excellency, President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR) at the recently concluded fair, transparent and credible 2023 presidential election of 25th February, 2023 which received commendations from both local and international observers as well as majority of Nigerians.

It is interesting to note that His Excellency President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, (GCFR) played a pivotal role in the struggle for the revalidation of June 12 1993 presidential mandate both as member of NADECO and also as a Senator representing Lagos West in the upper chamber of the legislative house where he was a prime mover in galvanizing democratic forces not only to  counter the despotism of military juntas of General Babaginda and General Abacha, but also in pushing for a speedy return to democracy.

As it were, since the advent of the 4th republic, His Excellency President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR) was the first among the patriots and activists in the struggle for June 12 and restoration of democracy to be elected as Nigeria President. His election is therefore seen by many political pundits as a payback for the plethora of his huge sacrifices in the nation’s democratic space and his Renewed Hope mantra as a re-enactment of late President Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola (GCFR) Hope 93 campaign mantra.

We also want it placed on record that His Excellency, President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR) was the arrowhead who initiated and consistently celebrated the annulled June 12, 1993 presidential election as Governor of Lagos State annually for eight years (1999-2007) with other pro-democracy forces, of which the June 12 Coalition of Democratic Formations is the nub to rekindle peoples hope in democracy and what the mandate represented in the nation democratic march. It was his tenacity and consistency in keeping fate with June 12 commemoration that sustained the fire of June 12 mandate even after he left office, with his successors in Lagos continuing in that tradition till it’s official recognition and declaration by the Nigerian state in 2018.

As we celebrate June 12 as Nigeria’s Democracy Day today, the June 12 Coalition of Democratic Formations and other democratic forces remain eternally grateful to His Excellency, former President Muhammadu Buhari (GCFR), for the bold and indelible act of recognizing and declaring it as Nigeria’s Democracy Day in 2018, in line with the agitations of June 12 Coalition of Democratic Formations since the advent of democracy in 1999, but which was ignored by successive administrations until June 6, 2018. History will always be kind to President Muhammadu Buhari (GCFR) for this salutary historic feat.

The struggle for June 12, 1993 presidential mandate was about restructuring of Nigeria along the lines of true federalism for a peaceful, progressive and prosperous country and we at June 12 Coalition of Democratic Formations remain resolutely and irrevocably committed to that philosophy.

While we recognize some of the gains that have been made in the course of our democratic journey so far, we must also admit that some human errors have been committed, but as a people with an eye on history, we cannot but remain focused on the larger picture of a democratic federal republic of Nigeria to the glory of God and benefit of humanity.

The June 12 Coalition of Democratic Formations also commends and congratulates Governor Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State on his resounding re-election for a second term, which is a testament of the appreciation and trust of the people of Lagos in the sterling leadership quality he has exhibited in piloting the affairs of Lagos State in line with the vision of its founding fathers in the last four years, just as we encourage him to be prepared to render another four years of quality leadership in partnership with the Coalition for a Greater Lagos Rising.

As expected, His Excellency, President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu (GCFR) administration has started on a good footing by his constructive engagement with critical stakeholders in the Nigeria project on national issues, which is a signpost of his towering credentials as a democrat per excellence and reinforces our belief in Renewed Hope for Nigeria.

As we commemorate this historic democracy day today in memory of the sacrifices, pains, trauma and tenacity of the Nigerian people since 1993, we urge them to continue to keep an abiding faith with democracy and refuse to be incited and hoodwinked by anti democratic elements who do not wish us well, just as we demand that the pact of our elected leaders with the people remains sacrosanct.

Therefore, as we continue on the non-negotiable democratic path of seeking a better society through political restructuring of the polity to allow for devolution of political powers and deliver the dividends of democracy to the people, the June 12 Coalition of Democratic Formations is hereby calling on His Excellency President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, (GCFR) to put in place mechanism for the establishment of a June 12 Mandate Protection center as a warehouse and research institute of the June 12 struggles to keep the memory of that sad event, election observation and other electoral issues to enrich our democracy.

The June 12 Coalition is also demanding compensation for the victims of the June 12 struggle both living and dead.

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Thank you for your time.

Yours Sincerely,

Linus Okoroji.                Nelson Ekujumi

Acting Chairman          General Secretary

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