Three hundred (300) students from various junior and senior secondary schools within Education District 2 of Lagos State converged at the District for the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency’s Safeguarding and Child protection Week which is one of the programs earmarked for the DSVA awareness month on the 18th September, 2024.

The program which was put together with the support of the Rule of Law and Anti corruption RoLAC, funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, was organized to effectively educate students and address Sexual and Gender Based Violence SGBV in the schools in commemoration of the Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence awareness month.

At the event, Mrs. Adeoye, representing the District Counselor, in her welcome speech, spoke on the importance of addressing sexual and other forms of abuse.

She emphasized that students experiencing any form of abuse should not remain silent but should speak out and seek help.

Mrs. Kafayat Ebose Salami, a facilitator from DSVA, led a session titled “What Child Abuse Is.” This was an interactive session between Mrs. Salami and the students, designed to educate them about child abuse and the Lagos State Child Rights Law. The students were encouraged to understand their rights and to speak out against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV).
Educational Materials were distributed and the students received an essential resource booklet My Passport of Rights for the Prevention of Child Abuse in Lagos State and “Safeguarding the Rights of a Child”.

These materials were provided to equip the students with knowledge on protecting themselves and others, raising awareness about child abuse prevention, and understanding child rights in Lagos State.

At the end of the lectures, 15 students asked pertinent questions about Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), demonstrating a strong interest in understanding the topic and sought further clarification on their rights and protective measures.

As part of the event, schools participated in a presentation session, with awards given to the top schools amongst the winners were,
• 1st Position: Maya Community Grammar Senior School
• 2nd Position: Gberigbe Junior School
• 3rd Position: Ikorodu Senior High School

The event was highly impactful, with students actively engaging in discussions and activities centered on child protection.

The Lagos State Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency (DSVA) and participating educational institutions underscored the need for ongoing collaboration to combat Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) and child abuse.

The students left the event empowered with the knowledge to safeguard themselves and to speak up against any form of abuse they may encounter.

Adejoke Ladenegan Oginni
Head Public Affairs Unit

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