Residents of Igbobisabe, Environs in Yaba Commend Oba Adeniyi for Organizing Training on How to Respond to Fire and Other Emergencies

Residents of Igbobisabe and environs within the Yaba Local Council Development Area have commended the traditional ruler of the area for organising training on how to quickly respond to fire and other human related emergencies.

They said that series of trainings held at the frontage of the Palace of Onisabe of Igbobisabe had exposed them to necesary steps to minimise damages and correct erroneous impressions when emergencies occured.

Dr Babatunde Ezekiel of the University of Medical Science Teaching Hospital, UNIMEDTH, Akure, told residents to avoid panicking whenever they are confronted with anyone suffering from convulsions.

He also advised people to come carefully but swifly to render assistance to those in distress and not to turn such into Social Media adventure.

Dr Babatunde Ezekiel explained that for young and old suffering from convulsions, the process of revival is the same except for the fact gentle proccess is applicable to children up to five years.

According to him, one of the processes of reviving the victim is to first observe his breathing and chest too for the pulse.

The medical expert however cautioned against the intake of unapproved drugs and those in sachets sold on the streets adding the negative effects on the body include high Blood pressure.

On his part, Mr Abidakun Gbenga from the Lagos State Fire and Safety Services, urged residents to keep regular surveillance on their homes, offices and keep fire extinguisher at close range in case of emergencies.

He explained that the first thing to be done during fire outbreak is to call the Fire Service on the Toll free line 767 adding that it is the responsibility of everyone to respond during fire disaster.

According to him, residents should however be extra ordinary careful in handling naked fire and inflamable material citing exmaples of fire that destroyed lives and property due to negligence.

He made it clear that most of the household equipment that we value in our homes could also lead to fire outbreak if not properly handled.

The fire expert listed negligence, arson, wilful act, power surge as some of the causes of fire outbreak in the state and the nation at large.

He strongly cautioned against the storage of fuel in the house even when there is scarcity of the product saying the damage it can cause is better imagine than experience.

According to him, smoke kills faster during fire outbreak advising the residents to keep flat on the ground to escape the immediate side effects of inhaling the smoke.

He expressed hope that those at the gathering would become an Advocate of Fire safety after the demonstration.

For the organiser of the training and Onisabe of Igbobisabe, Oba Owolabi Adeniyi urged the youths to live a life worthy of emulating in order to contribute their quota to the nation’s development.

He also expressed worry over the increasing consumption of alcohol, hard and sex-induced performing drugs by the youth warning that it was tantamount to killing oneself.

The traditional ruler primised a periodic hosting of the emergency training saying that he was inspired to give it a thought due to the high level of ignorance among people when the unexpected happens.

Adding her voice to the forum, Olori Mosunmola Adeniyi told the gathering especially women to educate their children about sex education.

She said that it was sad that the society today don’t discuss sex education among the teenagers but rather reactive when the unfortunate occurred.

Olori Adeniyi advocated for regular visit to the hospital for routine check up in order to discover any ailment for quick treatment before it escalate.

She also want couples and family members to reach out to one another at intervals even within the same home.

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