ASGAT holds Pre-Ramadhan Lecture as Islamic Cleric ask Nigerians to stop reigning curses on leaders

An Islamic Cleric, fadilatu Sheikh Abdulahi Araokanmi Al-Minteeq has asked Nigerians to stop reigning curses and abuses on those in the position of leadership in the country.

He said rather, the people should provide alternative to government adding the act of cursing the leaders is not a panacea to myriads of problems facing the nation.

Fadilatu Sheikh Abdulahi Araokanmi Al-Minteeq made this call during the Pre Ramadan Lecture organised by ASGAT in Coker-Aguda area of Surulere, Lagos.

He noted that since the country survived extreme austerity measure policy in the past, it will surely overcome the current economic turbulence.

The Islamic Cleric noted that despite the problems that came with COVID 19 pandemic, the lives of some Nigerians changed for good during the period.

He explained that the month of Ramadhan fast was prescribed by Allah on mankind for spiritual and healthy upliftiment of Ummah.

On his part, a member of Surulere Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives, Hon Lanre Okunlola want Nigerians to continue to pray for the country and those saddled with responsibility to fix Nigeria.

In a message to the Pre Ramadhan Lecture, Hon Okunola said Muslims should continue to show good example at every given opportunity and forbids evil n the society.

Represented by his legislative aide, Fola Raheem, the federal lawmaker solicited support of Nigerians towards effort by government to ease the current economic hardship.

In his remarks, the National Coordinator of ASGAT, Alhaji Latef Agboola urged Muslims to be conscious of their deeds as the month-long Ramadhan fast commences.

Lateef Agboola also charged the gathering to contribute their quota in providing solution to the challenges facing the country and not leave all the responsibilities to the political class.

He said there was nothing wrong in Muslim participating in politics since the end result was for the uplifment of the society.

The National Spokesnan of the group, Taofeek Olaoye said the Ramadhan fast was prescribed for mankind by Allah to improve on the act of worship, piety and love for one another.

In a short Health Talk on Hypertension at the event, Medical Expert, Bintu Omowunmi Ganiu said it was largely due to the heart over working more than expected.

She recommends regular check of blood Pressure at least twice a week for people to know their health status, reduction in salt and oily food intake as well as periodic exercise are some of the ways to curb the disease.

The medical exlert also advised that Nigerians should cultivate the habit of complete Body check once a while because prevention is better than cure.

According to her, too much of sress as a result of the living condition in Nigeria is part of the reason why people developed high blood pressure saying it does not cost much to conduct a check.

She disclosed that 120/80 blood pressure result was good while 140/90 means borderline Hypertension but could be corrected by adhering to earlier caution and regular intake of recommended drugs.

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