The objectives and the source of the new mantra in Nasrul-Lahi-L-Fatih Society (NASFAT), “LEAD”, which would be the focus of the newly inaugurated executives of the society were clearly outlined by the new President, Alhaji Ayodeji AbdurRauf at the inaugural meeting of the National Executive Council 2024- 2026, held at the conference room of the Lagos State Secretariat Community Mosque, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos State Nigeria.

According to AbdurRauf, “The new Nasfat Thrust Policy, “LEAD” which stands for Leadership, Empowerment, Agent of Change and Da’wah were extracted from the strategic objectives document of the society’s retreat held in Ibadan, Oyo State Nigeria in 2021.

The NASFAT Executive Council 2024- 2026 focus will be driven by purposeful Leadership, Empowerment, Agent of Change, and Dawah – “LEAD”

Leadership: Investment in the development and capacity building of our current and future leaders. This will be achieved by strengthening our institutions (HAVEK Leadership Academy, Fountain University Osogbo, and Nasfat Missionary Institute) to raise new world leaders.

Empowerment: Recognition and celebration of the vital role and contribution of women and youth in our society, by empowering and supporting our women and youth to achieve their full potential and aspirations in all spheres of life.

Agent of change for moral re-awakening and wealth creation: Being agents of change of society moral re-awakening by exemplifying and advocating the moral values and standards of Islam.

Dawah: Ensuring proper engagement with the mission board and ensuring spiritual satisfaction of our members, the mission board and the public with a view to promoting authentic and moderate teachings of Islam through regular training, lectures, seminars etc”.

Speaking while admonishing the new executive members at the meeting, the Chief Missioner of the society, Imam Abdul-Azeez Onike in his lecture titled, “Arise la rika” loosely translated to “You can only take stocks of your achievement after your tenure if you have achievements to list”, he cited the saying of a popular and leading Arab philologist,
Ibn Durayd who says “A person leaves only a tale behind him, so strive that your tale be remembered as a beautiful one”, of course not only after death but also after leaving office.

The statement which resonates well with Quran 9 verse 105, “And tell them, (O Prophet): “Keep working: Allah will behold your works and so will His Messenger and the believers; and you shall be brought back to Him Who knows that which is beyond the reach of perception and that which is within the reach of perception. He will then declare to you all that you have been doing.”

Onike gave the new exco members the ingredients for personal and group success in their endeavors, which he refers to as “Good Intention” for personal success and “Unity and Love” for the group success.

The meeting which spanned over 6 hours gave the opportunity to each portfolio holder to present his “To do List” for the next two years by Allah’s Grace.

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