Human Rights activist, Olatunji Musbau asks Nigerians to continue demands for good governance, support President Tinubu

Human Rights activist and Environmentalist, Olatunji Musbau has asked Nigerians irrespective of political party affiliation, religion and tribe to support the current administration led by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

He also want Nigerians to accept the verdict of the Supreme Court on the outcome of 2023 Presidential Election in good spirit for peace and tranquility in the nation.

Olatunji Musbau who is popularly referred to as Ambassador Musbau played a prominent role in the struggle for validation of June 12, 1993 Presidential Election annulled by the former military President, General Ibrahim Babangida.

He said Nigerians should blame themselves for given room for manipulation of the electoral process and not the judiciary for deciding winners at the polls based on the matters brought before it.

The human rights activist is of the view that Nigerians should stop being a war chess for politicians adding that the political class are the sane across party lines.

According to him, President Tinubu must show sincerity of purpose by ensuring that Ministers and other federal appointees who failed to deliver on the assignment given to them are replaced in due course.

The human rights activist urged Nigerians to continue to demand for good governance and accountability from those in public office adding reason for high level of impunity in the country was due to double standard in the application of the law.

He believes the country will get it right and change the narrative in terms of winners at election determined by the court if everyone play according to the rules.

Ambassador Olatunji Musbau who will turn 59 on November 20 vowed not to be deterred in the struggle for a transparent and just society.

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