PAF Decries Ravaging Drug Culture In Nigeria; Calls For Urgent Actions

The Patriotism Awareness Forum (PAF) has expressed grave concerns over the widening culture of drug abuse in Nigeria and has called for concerted urgent actions to be taken to save Nigeria from an impending drug-related epidemic.

In a release issued in Lagos and signed by the Convener Nelson Ekujumi and Co-Convener Peter Claver Oparah, PAF said that both the government and the wider society must take a firm stand today to deal with the ravaging drug culture that sees the couriering and abuse of drugs and other such harmful substances as norms in our society. It said that although the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency is doing well in tracking drugs couriering, the widening drug culture urgently demands the buy-in of the citizens to collaborate with the government to deal with this existential threat to our humanity.

“We are worried about the widening tolerance of the abuse of drugs in the Nigerian society and fear that if this isn’t addressed, Nigeria will soon become a borderless drug empire where abuse of drugs and other harmful substances would become the norm. We are worried that in schools (both secondary and tertiary), on open streets, bars, lounges, clubs, pubs, open spaces and other public places, abuse of all manners of drugs and hard substances have become tolerable and the system no longer frowns at it. We are horrified that even primary school pupils are being initiated into the bizarre drug culture given the tolerance and licentiousness with which the systems that should curtail such obnoxious culture, now treat it”.

“PAF notes that the tolerance of abuse of hard drugs has bred higher levels of diverse crimes, terrorist acts, insecurity, mental illnesses and deaths especially among our youths and we believe all hands should be on deck towards taming this ravaging epidemic before it lays the entire Nigerian society to ruins”.

“While we acknowledge the salutary and increased efforts of the National Drug Laws Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) to track and stop the couriering of drugs, we feel that the task of dissuading abuse of drugs should involve other law enforcement agencies, the families, schools, non governmental agencies, religious and traditional institutions and other concerned groups to enlarge the anti-drug sensitization and enlightenment campaign”.

“PAF demands that the extant laws against drug abuse should be reactivated and reasonable actions taken against drug abuse to stem this ravaging epidemic. We express our readiness to partner and collaborate with public interest groups, government agencies and other interests committed to this urgent mission to stop the fast ravaging drug abuse culture as we urge all Nigerians to wake up to the need of addressing this menace before it is too late”.

God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Thank you.

Your’s Sincerely,


Nelson Ekujumi

Peter Claver Oparah

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