Congratulations Nigerians.
Congratulations Anti Corruption Groups in Nigeria.

Congratulations HEDA.
Congratulations Larry K.

Coalition Against Corruption and Bad Governance CACOBAG celebrates and Congratulates Our Olanrewaju Suraj, Larry K, the Chairman of HEDA on his appointment as the Co- Chair of the region sub committee on IACC.

This is a feat to be celebrated by all Anti Corruption organisations in Nigeria, the entire Civil Society and indeed all Nigerians in its entirety.

Despite the numerous thieving elements corruptly converting Nigerian resources to theirs for hedonistic tendencies and to oil their ostentatious living styles, the appointment is a clear confirmation of the fact that patriotic, progressive and pro development Nigerians that truly want Nigerians to develop for the good of all and sundry are still very active.They are determined to ensure Nigeria resources work for Nigeria and Nigerians.

Larry K. is indeed a pride to us at CACOBAG and indeed Nigerians as a whole.

Despite the threat and intimidation by the likes of Adoke who are bent on cowing this Great International Thief Catcher of high repute to cover up their illicit wealth , Olanrewaju Suraju has been waxing stronger.

No wonder, the truism in the words of Vintage Gani , of blessed memory, ” stand for what is right ,even if you are standing alone ” , can not be suppressed by any form of falsehood and all corrupt elements.

Bamidele Francis Aturu BF of blessed memory concurred with the saying of Chief Gani Fawehinmi when he stated expressly , ” …..even if it’s one person who raised his voice or protested against a vice, it’s a successful protest”.

It’s in the same vein , Muiz Adeyemi Banire MAB believes a pro people Defender , more so ,one whose over riding interest in his actions is the good of his country can not and should not be treated unjustly.

The People’s Femi Falana ,of course , just like Vintage Gani , can stake his life in the defence of anti corruption fighters and whistle blowers.

If there is anything that is nauseating to us at CACOBAG, it is the issue of plea bargain by thieving politicians and public office holders.

A petty thief who stole two thousand naira only and eventually caught is sent to correctional center without any opportunity to plea bargain. BF of blessed memory states.

” Plea bargain is arrant nonsense.Its corruption because it creates easy way for these people ( Corrupt elements ) to escape serious offences”.

Plea bargain is more or less symptomatic of the privilege status of corrupt elements compared to other criminals. CACOBAG detests it and will intensify efforts on advocacy to stop it.

Corruption to us at CACOBAG, is more than ordinary stealing.It may not be too wrong to also charge high profile corrupt elements of attempt to murder.

Corruption indirectly leads to death of innocent citizens on bad roads that would have been fixed with the stolen fund, death in the hospitals due to lack of equipments that would have been procured with stolen funds and so on.

The determination to have International Anti Corruption Court IACC and the appointment of Olanrewaj K. Suraj as a Co Chair of the region sub committee would definitely gladden the souls of Chief Gani Fawehinmi and Bamidele Aturu in their graves as FF, MAB and all of us , the living Nigerians who truly want Nigeria out of the doldrums caused by corruption hindering the country’s progress are rejoicing all over the world.

CACOBAG would want IACC’s scope to give locus standi to individual nationals of countries where corrupt elements are set free or released based on plea bargain to be able to approach the International Anti Corruption Court IACC to raise charges against such criminal/s

Congrats Larry K.
Establishment of International Anti Corruption Court is at hand. Safe haven for corrupt elements all over the world is gradually coming to a close.


Toyin Raheem

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