Civil Society Coalition Petitions OGHA, Demands Good Governance

Reinstating its commitment towards good governance, Civil Society Coalition in Defence of Democracy, a human right organization has sent a letter to the Ogun State House of Assembly (OGHA) under the leadership of Rt. Hon. Olakunle Oluomo, the Speaker of the house.

The letter is a demand of urgent intervention of House of Assembly in curtailing the growing culture of political persecution and what is said to be flagrant abuse of power by His Excellency, the Governor of Ogun State, Prince Dapo Abiodun.

Speaking at the state house of assembly complex, one of human right leader, Shina Loremikan said there are many distractions in governance which are affecting dividends of democracy to the people of Ogun state.

“We are gravely concerned that the situation in Ogun State, if allowed to degenerate, is capable of undermining democracy and public peace. We wish to draw the attention of Ogun State House of Assembly to the ongoing cases of political persecution against the former governor and serving Senator Otunba Gbenga Daniel as well as the immediate past Chairman of Ogun Ijebu East Local Government Area, Mr. Wale Adedayo. We wish to emphasise that political persecution of individuals has no place in democracy and should not be condoned under whatever guise. The prevailing situation cast the Gateway State in bad light and must therefore be addressed by OGHA in exercise of its powers under the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria” he said.

Also speaking Comrade Buna Isiaq Olaitan opined that the Ogun State house of Assembly as the arm of government responsible for lawmaking, should be reminded that Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria is their custody which also include advising the government rightly.

“We wish to remind the Horourable Assembly of its roles in the administration of local government in line with the provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. We are disturbed that OGHA appears to have abdicated its oversight functions by failing to investigate the allegations made by Mr. Wale Adedayo with respect to diversion of public fund so as to ascertain the veracity of his claims as expected under a democratic setting. To this extent, we consider the harassment and persecution of Mr. Wale Adedayo by Governor Dapo Abiodun as flagrant abuse of power that ought not to be tolerated” He concluded.

The Civil Society Coalition in Defence of Democracy in its letter demanded as a matter of urgency as follows:

  • Draw the attention of Mr. Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun to the spate of political persecution of individuals and intimidation in Ogun State.
  • Demand OGHA to investigate cases of political persecution against former governor Gbenga Daniel and former Local Government Chairman, Wale Adebayo.
  • Call on OGHA to set up a public inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the destruction of Datkem Plaza with the view to establishing the truth and justice.
  • Call on OGHA to investigate the allegations of Mr. Wale Adedayo against Governor Dapo Abiodun to avail the public the true position in the interest of truth, democracy and justice
  • Call on OGHA to demand an end to continued harassment of Mr. Wale Adedayo by security agencies..

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