Rights Lawyer, Oshoma backs Obasanjo in condemning huge salary and allowances enjoyed by members of National Assembly

Human Rights Lawyer and Public Affairs Analyst, Liborous Oshoma has thrown his weight behind former President Olusegun Obasanjo’s condemnation of huge salary and allowances enjoyed by members of the National Assembly.

The former President expressed his dissatisfaction with what he called huge amount collected by the National Assembly members at the event marking the sixtieth years at the bar by Aare Afe Babalola in Ekiti state.

Obasanjo described the act as unconstitutional and violation of the nation’s constitution.

While featuring on a monitored programme in Lagos, Liborous Oshoma said the National Assembly has usurped the constitutional powers of the Revenue Allocation Mobilisation and Fiscal Commission by fixing their own salaries.

According to him, the body is the only one recognised by the law in fixing salaries and allowances of all public servants adding the National Assembly took it upon itself to fix their salaries as an arm of government.

He explained that the principles of separation of powers does not give room for any arm.of government to determine what is acrue to it.

The rights lawyer however noted that most of the federal lawmakers hide under the guise of regular demands from their constituents to justify their pay.

On cutting the cost of governance, Liborous Oshoma noted that it must start with the leadership while also recommending constitutional backing for number of Aides political office holders can have.

” What we have today in the country is far from what it should be. A case of political appointees having more than enough Aides does not reflect what government is preaching to Nigerians to sacrifice in the interest of the country.” End of quote.

He stressed the need for restructuring to begin from the Local Government level in the country.

Oshoma reminded the ruling All Progressives Congress that it campaigned vigorously on restructuring in 2015 but jettisoned it in the eight years administration of former President Muhammadu Buhari.

He equally canvassed for an independent State Orientation Agency that will serve as the watchdog of those in power and educate the populace on policies and other activities of government.

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