Fake News: Let’s Be Part Of A Peaceful Nigeria By Taiwo Olapade

I am afraid of the future of this country especially with the rising uncontrolled cases of FAKE NEWS spreading like wildfire in the Social Media space.

More worrisome is the ethnic and religion coloration it carries. The Government have a critical role to play in nipping this frightening development in the bud NOW before it is too late.

Government must demonstrate the will power by Arresting and Prosecuting purveyors of FAKE NEWS in the country to serve as deterrence to others.

Sadly, some of our Electronic Media have openly become partisan in their Editorial judgements, News and programmes delivery.

This is not the time to play politics with peace and unity of our country. 

Nigeria MUST first exist for anyone elected or political party to govern it. 

Election has come and gone and for those who are dissatisfied with the outcome, the Tribunal is available for them to press home their cases with clear evidence. 

Nigeria is yet to overcome the damage caused by the 1967-70 Civil War. We must collectively and jealousy protect the nation from slipping into any form of Civil disorder because it will do no one, tribe or religion any good. 

Nigeria is a great country with unlimited potentials which we have failed to harness over the years. 

It is not too late for us to change the narrative in the overall benefits of all. God bless Nigeria. Amen. 

Taiwo Olapade, Broadcast Journalist, is based in Lagos.

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