Former Scribe, Yoruba Council Of Elders, Kunle Olajide And Oba Semiu Orimadegun Kasali Sets Priority For Tinubu Presidency

Former Scribe of the Yoruba Council of Elders, Dr Kunle Olajide belives the outcome of the just concluded 25th Presidential Election reflects the wish of majority of Nigerians.

While congratulating Tinubu on the victory, Dr Olajide noted that the election was also relatively transparent and peaceful.

According to him,  the first priority is for Tinubu is to unite the country.

Dr Olajide noted that the Yorubas must also rally round one of their own towards projecting the pride and leaving good legacies in the polity.

On his part, Oba Semiu Orimadegun Kasali, the Adeboruwa of Igbogbo in Ikorodu thanked Nigerians for their commitment to the sustenance of the nation’s democracy.

He was particularly delighted with the turn out of the people of Ikorodu during the exercise.

Oba Kasali however said that Tinubu Presidency must accord priority to the economy, youth employment and stability of electricity supply as soon as he takes the mantle of leadership.

Oba Semiu Kasali, also want Tinubu to consolidate on the gains recorded by President Buhari in the area of internal security.

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