Reinventing Values: A Contemporary Reflection – Dr. Muiz Banire

In an ever-evolving global landscape, the concept of values and their significance in shaping the character and behaviour of citizens warrant continuous re-evaluation and reinvention. Values, defined as the principles or standards of behaviour that are deemed important in life, serve as the bedrock of societal norms and individual actions. The reinvention of values involves reassessing these principles in response to societal changes, technological advancements and cultural shifts. This discourse delves into the necessity of reinventing values, explores the values that should be nurtured in contemporary society, and examines the impact of these values on citizens. That this has become imperative in Nigeria stems from the appreciation of the fact that the sense of right and wrong is now lost in the country.

Every act or conduct has now become relative in the country. When a person steals, the reaction in most quarters is justification. ‘Why don’t the enforcement agencies arrest others?’ is the classical response you hear. ‘How much has he stolen, relative to some others?’ These are the typical responses such a vice generates these days. There is no doubt that societies are not static; they evolve over time, influenced by various factors such as technology, globalization and cultural exchanges. With these changes, the values that once guided societies may no longer be relevant or sufficient. For instance, the advent of the internet and social media has significantly altered the way people interact and communicate. Values like privacy, which were once paramount, now require redefinition in an age where information is easily accessible and often shared indiscriminately.

Notwithstanding this reality, however, the country still needs to maintain some minimum standards in what is gradually becoming an unpredictable world, putting it mildly and courteously. A country without culture is devoid of identity.

As remarked above, however, due to developmental issues, some values would have to be recalibrated, and to this I shall have recourse, albeit with the caveat that their impacts must not be allowed to be so debilitating as to negatively impact the basic values of the people.

Technological progress necessitates a rethinking of values to ensure they align with the new realities created by these advancements. Artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and automation pose ethical questions and dilemmas that were unimaginable a few decades ago. Values, such as accountability, transparency, and ethical responsibility must be adapted to address the challenges and opportunities presented by these technologies, however, as cautioned above, not in a manner obtrusive of the basic tenets.

Again, cultural shifts, driven by increased mobility and interaction among diverse populations, also call for a re-evaluation of values. The blending of cultures can lead to the emergence of new values or the modification of existing ones. Inclusivity, diversity, and respect for different cultural backgrounds are values that have gained prominence in response to the multicultural dynamics of contemporary societies. This is usually positive to the extent that it is not detrimental to the collective interest of the people. In a world characterized by rapid change and often marked by social and economic disparities, empathy and compassion are essential values to nurture. Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, fosters social cohesion and mutual respect. Compassion, the desire to alleviate the suffering of others, drives individuals to take action for the greater good.

Together, these values can bridge divides and create more inclusive and supportive communities. The truth even remains that these are cherished values in the various cultures in Nigeria. All that is, therefore, required is rejuvenation in order for the citizens to be each other brother’s keeper, particularly as between the leadership and the followership. I honestly believe that it is lack of empathy that has led to the degeneration of the social fabrics of our society. Integrity and accountability are foundational values that underpin trust and reliability in both personal and professional contexts. Integrity involves adherence to moral and ethical principles, while accountability refers to the acceptance of responsibility for one’s actions. In an era where misinformation and unethical behavior can have far-reaching consequences, these values are crucial for maintaining credibility and fostering a sense of responsibility among citizens. Again, historically these are values Nigerians’ respects but with time, becoming a scare commodity. They are now concepts that are foreign to the people, particularly the new generation, following the examples of the leadership.

The values that individuals hold shape their behavior and decision-making processes. Values, such as integrity, accountability, and empathy influence how individuals interact with others and conduct themselves in various situations. For example, a person who values integrity is likely to be honest and ethical in his dealings, while someone who values empathy will be more considerate and supportive of others. The growing awareness of environmental issues and the impact of human activities on the planet underscores the importance of sustainability and stewardship. Sustainability involves making choices that do not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Stewardship emphasizes the responsible management and protection of natural resources. These values are essential for promoting environmental conservation and ensuring a sustainable future. The good news is that these are cultural values historically recognized by Africans including Nigerians.

The current campaign in addressing the climate change issues would have been unnecessary if Nigerians and people globally have recognized and promoted these values. In a rapidly changing world, innovation and adaptability are key values that enable individuals and societies to thrive. Innovation involves the creation and implementation of new ideas, while adaptability refers to the ability to adjust to changing circumstances. These values, which are recently developed, encourage continuous learning, creativity, and resilience, which are vital for addressing emerging challenges and seizing new opportunities. Equity and justice are values that promote fairness and equality within society. Equity involves ensuring that everyone has access to the same opportunities and resources, while justice pertains to fair treatment of individuals and protection of their rights.

These values are fundamental and ingrained historically in our people for addressing systemic inequalities and fostering a just and inclusive society. The abandonment of them is the beginning of the woes in the country. The earlier we recover from this plague, the better for our country. The country needs to appreciate the essential need to recultivate these values due to its attendant benefits. Shared values play a critical role in promoting social cohesion and unity within communities. When citizens share common values such as respect, inclusivity, and compassion, it fosters a sense of belonging and mutual understanding. This, in turn, reduces social tensions and conflicts, creating a more harmonious and cooperative society. Values, such as responsibility, justice, and stewardship encourage active civic engagement and participation in community and public affairs. Citizens who hold these values are more likely to volunteer, advocate for social causes, and participate in democratic processes. This engagement is essential for the functioning of a healthy democracy and the achievement of collective goals.

Values, such as innovation, adaptability, and sustainability have significant implications for economic development. A culture that values innovation and adaptability fosters entrepreneurial spirit and drives economic growth. At the same time, a commitment to sustainability ensures that economic development is achieved without compromising environmental and social well-being.

In an interconnected world, values such as empathy, inclusivity, and respect for diversity are crucial for promoting global citizenship. Citizens who embrace these values are more likely to appreciate different cultures, collaborate across borders, and contribute to global peace and development. This global perspective is essential for addressing transnational challenges such as climate change, poverty, and conflict. While it is much easier to resurrect the neglected values in the country, it is challenging, however, to reinvent values. Reinventing values can be challenging due to resistance to change. People often hold onto traditional values and may be reluctant to embrace new ones. This resistance can stem from a fear of the unknown, attachment to familiar ways of thinking, or perceived threats to identity and culture.

Overcoming this resistance requires effective communication, education, and dialogue to highlight the benefits of evolving values. Another challenge in reinventing values is striking a balance between tradition and progress. While it is important to adapt values to contemporary realities, it is also essential to preserve the positive aspects of traditional values that have stood the test of time. Finding this balance requires a nuanced approach that respects cultural heritage while embracing necessary change. Another challenge in reinventing values is striking a balance between tradition and progress. While it is important to adapt values to contemporary realities, it is also essential to preserve the positive aspects of traditional values that have stood the test of time. Finding this balance requires a nuanced approach that respects cultural heritage while embracing necessary change. The process of reinventing values often involves navigating complex ethical dilemmas.
For example, advances in biotechnology may offer significant benefits but also raise ethical concerns about privacy, consent, and the potential for misuse.

Addressing these dilemmas requires thoughtful consideration of the potential impacts and a commitment to ethical principles. In diverse societies, there may be varying perspectives on what values should be prioritized and how they should be defined. This diversity can lead to disagreements and conflicts over the reinvention of values. Inclusive and participatory approaches that involve diverse stakeholders in the dialogue can help build consensus and ensure that the redefined values reflect the collective aspirations of society. In the face of these challenges, how do we then navigate through the slippery floor? To my mind, education and awareness are powerful tools for reinventing values. Educational institutions play a crucial role in instilling values such as integrity, empathy, and sustainability in young minds. In our days, civic and social studies used to be potent subjects in this regard.

Public awareness campaigns can also highlight the importance of evolving values and encourage citizens to adopt new ways of thinking and behaving. I recall the success of this during the time of Jerry Gana as helmsman of Mass Mobilisation, for Self Reliance, Social Justice, and Economic Recovery (MAMSER) programme under the military President, Ibrahim Babangida. Role models and leaders can significantly influence the reinvention of values. When leaders and public figures exemplify positive values such as integrity, accountability, and compassion, they inspire others to follow suit. Recognizing and celebrating individuals and organizations that embody these values can also reinforce their importance in society. Regrettably, the template paraded in Nigeria is negative. Policy and legislation can support the reinvention of values by creating frameworks that promote and enforce desirable behaviors. For example, laws that protect the environment, ensure equitable access to resources, and uphold human rights can reinforce the values of sustainability, equity, and justice.

Policy initiatives that incentivize innovation and ethical behavior can also drive positive change. Engaging communities in the process of redefining values is essential for ensuring that the new values are relevant and widely accepted. Community dialogues, workshops, and participatory decision-making processes can provide platforms for citizens to voice their perspectives and contribute to the collective reimagining of values. This engagement fosters a sense of ownership and commitment to the newly defined values. This calls for the need to engage stakeholders towards setting the minimum ethical standards for the nation. The approach must be bottom up and not otherwise. Technology can be leveraged to promote and reinforce values in various ways. Social media and digital platforms can raise awareness, facilitate discussions, and disseminate information about evolving values. Technology can also provide tools for monitoring and promoting ethical behavior, such as transparency initiatives and platforms for reporting misconduct.

The message in all of these is that reinventing values is a dynamic and ongoing process that reflects the evolving needs and aspirations of society. In a world characterized by rapid change and interconnectedness, the reinvention of values is essential for addressing contemporary challenges and fostering a just, inclusive, and sustainable future. By nurturing values such as empathy, integrity, sustainability, innovation, and equity, societies can empower citizens to navigate the complexities of the modern world and contribute to their collective well-being. While the process of redefining values may be challenging, it is a necessary endeavor that requires the collective effort of individuals, communities, leaders, and institutions. Through education, awareness, inclusive dialogue, and ethical leadership, societies can successfully reinvent values that resonate with the present and inspire a brighter future for all. To, therefore, progress the country, this is a conversation that I believe the leadership of the country must trigger and embrace.

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