•First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Senator Oluremi Tinubu CON rings the bell of peace, the 517th person to do so in the world and is observed by Dr Hong Tao-Tze, President of World Federation of World Peace and Love at the Commemoration of the International Day of Peace in New York.

…As she joins First Ladies of other nations to commemorate International Day of Peace in New York

The First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Senator Oluremi Tinubu CON says First ladies of African countries play a pivotal role in promoting peace in the region.

She was speaking at the commemoration of the International Day of Peace organized by the African First ladies Peace Mission in New York, the United States of America.

In a statement by her Special Adviser on Media, Busola Kukoyi, the First Lady pointed out that women in general have the capacity to deal with conflict without violence.

She said further and i quote”Every individual, regardless of their gender, should be able to thrive in an environment free from violence and discrimination.
The journey towards lasting peace requires dialogue, the engagement and empowerment of all members of the society in particular, women in leadership roles”. End of quote.

According to her, women bring unique perspectives, qualities, compassion and experiences to the table, which can play a transformative role in conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and sustainable development.

Senator Oluremi urged other First Ladies, religious leaders, women activists and female leaders of thought to promote gender equity, support other women in leadership, end violence against women and engage men as allies.

She concluded her address with this quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.” As women, it is time we bring peace to ourselves and to our world”.

Also speaking at the event were the First Ladies of Burundi and the Bahamas who both emphasized that peace in the continent and indeed the world would not come except everyone makes it happen.

The wife of the General Overseer of the Redeem Christian Church of God Pastor Mrs Folu Adeboye also lent her voice to the fact that the world needs peace.

They then rang the peace bell after making individual wishes for peace in the world, peace with humanity and peace for individuals.

The event provided opportunity for the First Ladies from other nations of the world , some First Ladies from some states in Nigeria and other distinguished personalities to celebrate Senator Oluremi Tinubu who turned 63 years old.

The event was the Africa First Ladies Peace Mission high level forum for 2023 United Nations Day of Peace at the UNGA 78th session in New York.

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